Field Notes

Ep 12: Seth Appiah-Kubi – Fighting for Ghana's forests and the intrinsic value of nature

October 27, 2021 Season 1 Episode 12

Is nature intrinsically valuable? Or should we only value nature that benefits humanity?

Trained as a Chartered Management Account with an MBA in International Business, Seth Appiah-Kubi hasn't come from a conservation background. However, his background in finance and subsequent work in securing natural resources shows the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in caring for creation. We need scientists, but we also need economists, politicians and a wealth of other professions to understand the importance of nature. 

In this episode, Seth talks with Bryony and Peter about the work of A Rocha Ghana in the race to protect the Atewa Forest from Bauxite mining. In a country where roughly 70% of the population are Christians, he also knows more than most about how the teaching of the church can impact a population. He speaks with wisdom about the challenges facing the Atewa Forest and Ghana, but also with a real sense of hope.